source |
date |
title |
AIR Information Review,
Vol 24, No. 4 |
September 2003 |
EU FP6-proposal "BRITA in PuBs" positively
evaluated by the Commission |
pdf-file |
Press Release of Fraunhofer-Institute for
Building Physics |
June 2004 |
BRITA in PuBs - EU-Gebäudeenergie- effizienz-Leitprojekt
zur energetischen Sanierung öffentlicher Gebäude gestartet |
pdf-file |
Press Release of Fraunhofer-Institute for
Building Physics |
June 2004 |
EU 6th Framework project "BRITA in PuBs", with the goal
of presenting energy-efficient retrofit of public buildings as shining examples, is started |
pdf-file |
First European Conference of Municipal Energy Managers
July 2004 |
Information Flyer: Bringing Retrofit Innovation to
Application in Public Buildings - BRITA in PuBs |
pdf-file | |
July 2004 |
IBP: EU-Leitprojekt "BRITA in PuBs gestartet" |
pdf-file |